Learn Turkish online within a small group or individual

Online classes

Welcome to Online Learning with Turkish Language Center!
If you want to learn Turkish from at your own home,office or school then this option will be perfect for you.

You will enjoy entertaining and  exciting lessons  Let Turkish Language Center take you into the digital world of turkish learning  virtual.
You’ll soon see: Learning online with Turkish Language Center is more than just monoton vocabulary and studying grammar.
Your online language course will be made lively and communicative and interactive by real experienced turkish teacher .

 Online Group  Courses small group with 3 to max. 7 Learner
Age Minimum 16 years
Course  “Iyi aksamlar”  Monday: 19:00 – 20:40 (CET )
Course  “hafta sonu “ Saturday:  10:00 – 11:40 (CET ) –
Course  “Intensive” Monday- Friday: 9:00 – 15:00 (CET )/1 Hour Lunchbreak
Course duration:
“hafta sonu ” & “Iyi aksamlar
From 4 Week to 12 Weeks
Course duration ” Intensive Course”    From 1 to 2 Weeks
Prices per Week   Intensive Course with 30 Lessons per :
1 Week 290 EUR
2 Weeks 490 EUR
Minigroup: hafta sonu ” & “Iyi aksamlar w
4 Weeks /8 Lessons/  130 EUR
8 Weeks /16 Lessons/  250 EUR
12 Weeks /32 Lessons/  360 EUR
Levels:  Beginner have fixed Starting Dates.
Elemantary, Intermediate,  Advanced can start every week.
Intensive Course has fixed started Dates.
Starting  dates 2024 5. August   2024 (İyi akşam & Intensive Course)
9. August 2024 (Hafta sonu)
19. August   2024 (İyi akşam & Intensive Course)
24. August 2024 (Hafta sonu)
2.September  2024 (İyi akşam & Intensive Course)
7. September  2024 (Hafta sonu)
7 October 2024 (İyi akşam & Intensive Course
11. October 2024 (Hafta sonu)
4. November 2024 (İyi akşam & Intensive Course
8. November 2024 (Hafta sonu)
2.December 2024 (İyi akşam & Intensive Course
7.December 2024 (Hafta sonu)

Live online Minigroup course " Iyi aksamlar" oder " Hafta sonu"

Live Online - One to One with private Teacher

Online lessons One to One can be designed so flexibly that they easily fit into everyday life.
For some this may be one appointment a week, others would like to practice the turkish learning a little or very intensively every day.
In this way, further turkish training in leisure time can be perfectly combined with work, household and other obligations without becoming a burden.

Online 1-to-1 course Flexible 1-to-1 course programmes via Zoom
Age Minimum 10 years
Course days You can choose your course days from Monday – Saturday
Course timetable Between 9:00 – 20:00 (CET – Central European Time)
Lessons per course You can schedule your course plans with 4/10 / 20/30  lessons.
Course duration One lessons will take 50 minutes. It will be always individual.
Lessons per week We recommend min.  2  lessons per week/day
Levels All levels
Prices 1.10. 2023
till 31.12.2024
1  Lesson  29 (Trial)
4 Lesson 99 EUR (Starter)
10 lesson 290 EUR (Individual schedule)
20 lesson 560 EUR (Individual schedule)
30 lesson 810 EUR (Individual schedule)
Starting  dates All year except holidays .

Book now 1 Step. your turkish individual or group course

After submitting your enrollment, you will receive an invoice and confirmation within 48 hours
(if you are not sure, send us an email and we will answer your question a.s.a.p.)

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Live Group Course
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Starting Date Group Course
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Live One to One
Live Online individual lessons
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Time Shedule - One to One
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Time Shedule One to One
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